Monday, January 11, 2016

Jewish Blood Defense

So when Pilate saw that nothing was being gained, but rather that a disturbance was starting, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this righteous person. You see to it."  All the people answered, "May his blood be on us, and on our children!
-Matthew 27:24-25

What a recrimination for the "Christ Killers", eh? They admit that they and their descendants are willingly stained with the Blood of Jesus. The Precious, Holy Blood that I need to cover my sins, the Jews are bathed in the Blood of our Messiah!

I told a Rabbi, "What are you Messiah Murdering Jews sporting all that Christian Blood? You aught to be ashamed of yourselves.

Do you know what that rabid Rabbi said? He said, "My deepest apologies for your ignorance of your own Scriptures, young goyim*. Jesus was a Jew therefore his blood was Jewish."

Man, I should have punched that Mogan David Drunk Jew Druid right in his nose. The nerve of this man-o-Levites. What gives them the right to write Scripture? They didn't even know who the Messiah was when it's written in the Scriptures, idiots!

Stupid Blood covered Jews! Why would God find them not guilty?^ It's beyond me. I bet they had a great Jew-boy "walks on water" lawyer. That's got to be it!

Never curse a Blessing or Bless a curse.

* - Goyim is A Hebrew word for nations or non-Jewish people. It may, but not innately carry a connotation of "cattle" when used as a diminutive term, as I most certainly did.

^ - Romans 8:33 GNT

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ours Together Again

We begin life at the center of Creation. Life is warm, soft, and comfortable. It's a dream world of awakening, bristling senses and new awareness. Want is a thing unknown to us. We are swaddled within the walls of our luxurious amniotic garden where we grow to the rhythmic thumping which resonates through everything... for a moment.

This moments moment passes. We experience discomfort, pain, and perhaps fear for the first time as we emerge into much harsher environs filled with grappling hands, loud noises, utter chaos, and an inexplicable heaviness. All temporary and soon forgotten tribulations as we settle into our new habitat. We acclimate well to the work of this alien world; propulsion, motion, respiration, ingestion, vocalization, and when we are not pleased, agitation. Our mere fussing brings soothing hands, smiling faces, jangling keys, a wondrous retinue of attention and distraction. We fuss the most for food and dry bottom comfort, a pleasure seldom appreciated while in the prime of our life.

In this time, we can do no wrong because we know no wrong. Everyone loves us because we are the just and proper living focus of all love and devotion. Yes, it's good to be... us. By our every experience and understanding, we are immortal, omniscient, omnipotent, and aside from the occasional assault by the malicious coffee table corner or the unrepentant malevolence of the hardwood floor, we are impervious to harm. We are sovereignty swaddled behind fortified walls, fuzzy, soft, downy fleece walls buttressed by our parent's gentle, loving arms. In the constant worship and rocking of our Seraphim, we nap, babble, and gurgle upon the very Throne of Heaven... for a time.

Slowly and with anguish, we are stripped of our Deity. Brought down and fallen from such resplendent rank to the tender soles of our feet upon hard and unforgiving ground. We bear being subject to the word, no. We study and learn under the searing sting of correction. We ossify under the humiliation of accidental mistake and the disgrace of intentional error. Comfort becomes a commodity increasingly rare and quickly spent. Work and production rather than repast and recreation hold us to responsibility and obligation. Yet our hearts still hunger for the safety and contentment of our lost divinity, our ears crave the soothing, steady heartbeat from outside which consoles and assures that all is well.

Our callousing condition either strengthens or suffocates us inside our fleshed vessels; the redoubt of our mortality, the lonely patch of rock to which our lives cling. These uncharted island we inhabit are the only homes we have ever known. Yet, we still want, wait for, and need the rhythm of a heartbeat not our own to make our common, very human lives livable. In this inner place filled with emptiness all mankind shares our human, very common lives.

All Peace comes from Wisdom, and all Wisdom comes from God…

No man is an island”, each is tightly woven from the same skein to the other. As every island is not truly an island, but a mountain connected by a deep, unseen fabric to every inch of earth and every other mountain.
Like the island mountains, man and woman are tightly woven from the same skein, rooted in a common ground, standing on a shared foundation, swimming in the same deep water, and no one ever stands or falls alone.

When each comes upon their season to drop from the Tree of Life, they will be remembered until we reunite. As the leaf returns to the ground it feeds the Tree and becomes one with what was thought to be lost... Forever. We are tightly woven from the same skein, rooted in a common ground, standing on a shared foundation, swimming in the same deep water, and no one ever stands or falls alone.

This is Ours Together, again.

The Scripture of Salvation

Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Fanfare for the Adequate Hero

Adequate Heroes Move the World          

We run, jump, and fly in a world
of the sensational and amazing
the fantastic and the astounding
Steering jet-packs powered on
faded glory and exaggerated mystery.

We build our facades broad and tall
Our monuments massive and looming
The over-sized tassel and phylactery biz 
is booming!

"Why?", I wonder...

The Great Pyramid stands as a silent reminder
of a god-king's ignorance and hubris.
It's your turn to stop and ponder.
Why'd we build this? It's any one's guess.

The Great Wall of China gives us the sense
that our best defense is of no consequence

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Dried up and died. They're all gone.

The Colossus crumbled into the sea.
It wasn't as cool as we thought it would be.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria highlights
how temporary man's ambition can be.

These are the lesson of human history
Built on human misery
The muscle of slavery
The legacy of royalty
Rides the backs of the ordinary
That's you and me
Adequate heroes who paid the cost
Lost in anonymity
Scribes don't write about us
But I will...

Now, that's many chapters in the past
The monopoly of tyranny doesn't last
Adequate heroes can break that system
Artificial demographics: the class, the caste
Sociologist's will, but we won't miss them

We're free, we're free, we're free!
The celebration is only temporary

Idle masters conspire
and scheme continuously
Lie and wait, appeals to their greed
And our fear with emergency urgency
They're coming to get us! Trust me!

It's an environmental catastrophe
Financial melt-down immanently
Deflationary depression
Massive market correction
Campaign finance reform? Ha!
D.C. Beltway insurgency

Draw the battle line at K Street
Home of the brave. Land of the free.
Okay, we surrender!
Save the Social Security blanket for me

In God we trust. Oh, really?
With the full faith and credit. Seriously?!
Financial crises, politics divide us
Do the math... Spiritual bankruptcy!

So, now we think globally
Buy and sell things virtually
Communicate instantly
Entertain ourselves constantly
Worry obsessively and work compulsively
In pursuit of a "reality" T.V. fantasy
We will never achieve
Don't buy that it's all trash!

It's just a carrot on a stick.
You don't get the carrot,
but you might get the rest of it.
Modern serfdom sold as safety and security
progressively or conservatively.
Its all the same me, oh say can you see
Do you feel these chains, shackles, and manacles,
or is that just me
Now, that's just typical

It's a super sized world filled with regular sized people.
Just ordinary people doing abominable or amazing things
to or for other ordinary people.
Our sense of proportion is pandemically disproportional.
Our self importance is astronomical.
Our sense of self is abysmal.
Our happiness is chemical, prescription smiles and pharmaceutical focus is rational.
Anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, anti-acid, antediluvian suicidal, call for pro-fessional help.
Look at the system they built...

We're disappointed by the average.
The typical is garbage.
It's the Icarus syndrome, we're flying too close to the sun (and away from the Son).
Lock your seats in the upright position
Put your hands together, and pray with me, everyone.

It's the ordinary that is sensational, the common is fantastic,
the nominal is amazing, you are astounding,
You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made, Believe that.
You are totally real. That is how God feels.

This a fanfare for the adequate hero.
That is you.
The ones who walks to work.
Those ordinary people who do amazing things for other ordinary people.
The ones without facades,
without monuments,
without the wings,
fine print, and the strings
they say we cannot live without.
God's not one of those things.
If someone tells you differently
you send him to me.
I have it on good Authority,
we'll know the Truth and pick out the trash, eventually.

Still confused? Listen to me...

He's the guy who saved a life from an auto accident, then walks away never to be seen again.

She's the woman who drove the speed limit to avoid the accident before the guy had to perform artificial respiration.

He's the dude who sold the more reliable car, rather than a lemon that wouldn't start without a jump start every so often.

So the woman could drive the speed limit.

She's the woman who raised the man who sold the safer car and taught him the difference between right and wrong.

He's the man at the lectern who told the mother how to differentiate and disseminate the difference between a value and Values.

He's the God who made it all happen. The ordinary God doing amazing things for ordinary people, like us. He is the Truth.

This is a fanfare for Him.

He's the Eternal, the Everlasting, the Ordinary, Totality Normal, Absolute Typical, Reason with Me Almighty,
and there is no other God.

That makes Him the Standard model God.

Don't get pissed at me.

No bells or whistles,
Plain as can be
but He's got a horn (it's called a shofar)
and He'll be blowing soon you'll see.
Hear, I mean.
Here, I mean...

He's the standard model God.
The One who walks on water to work.
His enemies He did not tell us to decapitate or immolate.
He said give those who hate you a break.
Pray for them, do good by them, bless them, and commiserate.
Don't covet, don't steal, don't deceive, don't destroy, not in My Name.
That's the Law and the Rules of this game.

Don't glare at me with that look on your face.
He will cover our failures with His Blood and Loving Grace.
I'm not here to beat you with His book.
He wrote it in Love.
Open it up.
Take a look...

He said, "We are very good"
and His opinion remains unchanged
Or He would have washed us away, again.

Yes, we live in sin, but in the end
we Win, we Win, we lose the sin.
That's a promise from Him.
We'll be white as snow
Because His Son died for us.
You know...

He's the average Messiah,
The Chosen One,
The Anointed,
Perfect narrow path,
Only begotten Son
Of the standard model God.

He is the door where
there was none before.
You have questions,
He has the Answers.
You have doubts,
He will Sheppard you
to greener pastures.
You have worries,
He has you in His Hand.
We're learning to sing the Lord's Song
in a foreign land.
That is where we stand.

This is a fanfare for all of His
misbehaving, special needs children,
be good and believe in Him.
The standard model God
because He is the only one we've got
and He Loves us a lot.
Just take His advice,
He wants Mercy, not Sacrifice.

As He was in Him, so we can be in Him.
We are in Them and They are in us,
or we will be, Eternally.

That is all from me, with a lot of Help.


We Make Problems

God Provides Solutions

-Michael Frank Gentile

Michael = Who is like God?
Frank = To speak clearly or sincerely
Gentile = Nations

What's in a name?