Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Am Here

In the glory of Creation, I Am Here

In the Garden of Eden, I Am Here

In calling Abram to head west, I Am Here

In putting Abraham to the test, I Am Here

In the rise of Joseph, I Am Here

In the calling of Moses, I Am Here

In the Exodus from bondage, I Am Here

In fire and smoke on the mountain, I Am Here

In cleft of rock My Glory passed by, I Am Here

In the manna that fell from the sky, I Am Here

In the words of the prophets you stoned, I Am Here

In the return from from captivity in Babylon, I Am Here

In Bethlehem a swaddled child cried out, I Am Here

In His Father's House He left no doubt, I Am Here

In a Galilean man recruiting fishermen, I Am Here

In the "The Lamb of God..." shout by His cousin, I Am Here

In the Son of Man scolding the priests, I Am Here

In the Teacher who provided the feasts, I Am Here

In the Rabbi who washed His disciples feet, I Am Here

In the bread and wine he gave them to eat, I Am Here

In the silver laying at the High Priest's feet, I Am Here

In the healing of Malchus' severed ear, I Am Here

In the Council chamber He made a stand, I Am Here

In the water that washed Pilate's hand, I Am Here

In the scourging He had to withstand, I Am Here

In the shouts of the crowd who lined the street, I Am Here

In the nails that pierced His hands and His feet, I Am Here

In the tears that His mother cried, I Am Here

In the spear that opened His side, I Am Here

In the folded wrappings of the empty tomb, I Am Here

In the appearance to Thomas in the upper room, I Am Here

In the offering proof to the First Fruits of the Resurrection, I Am Here

In our pursuit of the Great Commission, I Am Here

In His glorious Ascension into Heaven, I Am Here

In every sunrise and every sunset, I Am Here

In every Commandment we forget, I Am Here

In every broken home and broken heart, I Am Here

In every thing that we build or tare apart, I Am Here

In every martyr's and heretic's blood,  I Am Here

In everyone you ignore, hate, or love, I Am Here

In every passing season, night, and day, I Am Here

And I'm waiting for you, yes you, to say, Here I Am

1 comment:

Arnie Gentile said...

I could barely keep myself together to get to the end. What beauty!
