What was God doing before Creation? Since God is eternal, He spent an eternity doing other things, didn't He? That's a very long time, an eternity, isn't it? We know about the Creation and a little before but not much else. There are some exo-biblical books that speak to this question. They speak of the Fall of Lucifer and the third of the Host of Heaven that followed him in the angelic rebellion. However, this still leaves us with an eternity unaccounted as to the thoughts and activities of God.
Odd, don't you think?
Whilst you ponder that anomaly, here's another vexing thought...
Where did God Create Creation?
We know that God is omnipresent, so if we follow the logic of this understanding, there was only God. He was both omnipresent and only present. There could be nothing outside of God. So, I will posit the question again...
Where did God Create Creation?
There can be only one possible answer, and the answer is equally astounding.
God must have Created Creation within Himself. A bubble of space within the Creator, which He Created in order that Creation could exist. This seems logical and comprehensible enough in a cursory examination of the concept, but like quantum physics if you claim to understand the subject, you haven't been paying attention!
There is another immediate physics correlation that jumps into play, why can't physicist tell us what happened before the Universe came barging (or "Banging" as they may prefer) into existence? The most respected theoreticians assure us that they can calculate with deafening precision exactly what happened back to 0.000001 seconds after "The Event", but when you push for anything prior, the best answer I've received was, "I'll be beggared if I know!"
This was from a very revered physicist at Fermilab National Laboratory outside Chicago. I'll withhold his name, but we both know that is exactly what he said.
He's no slouch, this man could probably program Perl code in his head while making lobster bisque and talking Bear's football with you.
So, what's the boggle? Why can't he (the nameless one), you, or anyone else calculate back to "The Event", or even before? Well, the issue is that physicists require constant Laws of the Universe to do their math problems, and prior to that time... they didn't exist.
Yup, there was no speed of light speed limit written in stone. Come to think of it, there was no stone on which it could have been carved. The technological innovations of the Neolithic was billions of years in the future. There was no gravity, no strong or weak forces. Electromagnetism was but a twinkle: in the eye of... there were no eyes either! Drat! Physics is as useful as phrenology without the stuff physicists depend upon to do the stuff they do. Which, may I add, would bore you to tears if you knew the tedium they endure when they're not telling people how fascinating physics is in a ultra graphic enhanced PBS special.
God has remained unperturbed by the vast array of academics bashing their skulls against their desks in the hope of something useful falling out.
The Rabbis of ancient time had pondered the same question that stumps the Stanford PhD, mystified any MIT grad, and confounds Cornell alumnus,
"Where are we?"
Luckily, the Rabbis were not obsessed with the semi-useful tool we call "scientific method", so they weren't stuck on the idea of having to reproduce Creation in a laboratory environment. We have become so shackled to scientific method that we can't be certain if Albert Einstein existed since we cannot reproduce him in a lab.
This is the limitations of falling in love with a rule, ritual, or a law, your mind stagnates and fails to grow into the infinite mind of God.
Our science has become a slave to a single method to the exclusion of all others. This is a handicap to our society, our science, and ultimately to our spirituality.
Many bright students can't conceive of something that cannot be quantified, analysed, qualified, and isolated in a sample jar. None of which can one do with the Almighty.
So, the rabbis, being sufficiently pragmatic to avail themselves of other methodologies, came to the conclusion that determined where God began Creation.
It was and still is within Himself. He began with a formless void, much in the same way the Earth was when He commenced all the fine detail work that we enjoy in our world that we share with all our brothers and sisters who were more finely crafted than anything else in all of God's Creation.
As we stare out into the night sky misty eyed, slack jawed, and terrified at the expanding vastness of space we forget that all this, all of everything, is but an infinitesimal speck within the bosom of infinitely powerful and infinitely loving God.
That is where we are...
Praise God!
And now for the answer to my initial question, what was God doing before Creation... Being lonely.
Odd, don't you think?
Whilst you ponder that anomaly, here's another vexing thought...
Where did God Create Creation?
We know that God is omnipresent, so if we follow the logic of this understanding, there was only God. He was both omnipresent and only present. There could be nothing outside of God. So, I will posit the question again...
Where did God Create Creation?
There can be only one possible answer, and the answer is equally astounding.
God must have Created Creation within Himself. A bubble of space within the Creator, which He Created in order that Creation could exist. This seems logical and comprehensible enough in a cursory examination of the concept, but like quantum physics if you claim to understand the subject, you haven't been paying attention!
There is another immediate physics correlation that jumps into play, why can't physicist tell us what happened before the Universe came barging (or "Banging" as they may prefer) into existence? The most respected theoreticians assure us that they can calculate with deafening precision exactly what happened back to 0.000001 seconds after "The Event", but when you push for anything prior, the best answer I've received was, "I'll be beggared if I know!"
This was from a very revered physicist at Fermilab National Laboratory outside Chicago. I'll withhold his name, but we both know that is exactly what he said.
He's no slouch, this man could probably program Perl code in his head while making lobster bisque and talking Bear's football with you.
So, what's the boggle? Why can't he (the nameless one), you, or anyone else calculate back to "The Event", or even before? Well, the issue is that physicists require constant Laws of the Universe to do their math problems, and prior to that time... they didn't exist.
Yup, there was no speed of light speed limit written in stone. Come to think of it, there was no stone on which it could have been carved. The technological innovations of the Neolithic was billions of years in the future. There was no gravity, no strong or weak forces. Electromagnetism was but a twinkle: in the eye of... there were no eyes either! Drat! Physics is as useful as phrenology without the stuff physicists depend upon to do the stuff they do. Which, may I add, would bore you to tears if you knew the tedium they endure when they're not telling people how fascinating physics is in a ultra graphic enhanced PBS special.
God has remained unperturbed by the vast array of academics bashing their skulls against their desks in the hope of something useful falling out.
The Rabbis of ancient time had pondered the same question that stumps the Stanford PhD, mystified any MIT grad, and confounds Cornell alumnus,
"Where are we?"
Luckily, the Rabbis were not obsessed with the semi-useful tool we call "scientific method", so they weren't stuck on the idea of having to reproduce Creation in a laboratory environment. We have become so shackled to scientific method that we can't be certain if Albert Einstein existed since we cannot reproduce him in a lab.
This is the limitations of falling in love with a rule, ritual, or a law, your mind stagnates and fails to grow into the infinite mind of God.
Our science has become a slave to a single method to the exclusion of all others. This is a handicap to our society, our science, and ultimately to our spirituality.
Many bright students can't conceive of something that cannot be quantified, analysed, qualified, and isolated in a sample jar. None of which can one do with the Almighty.
So, the rabbis, being sufficiently pragmatic to avail themselves of other methodologies, came to the conclusion that determined where God began Creation.
It was and still is within Himself. He began with a formless void, much in the same way the Earth was when He commenced all the fine detail work that we enjoy in our world that we share with all our brothers and sisters who were more finely crafted than anything else in all of God's Creation.
As we stare out into the night sky misty eyed, slack jawed, and terrified at the expanding vastness of space we forget that all this, all of everything, is but an infinitesimal speck within the bosom of infinitely powerful and infinitely loving God.
That is where we are...
Praise God!
And now for the answer to my initial question, what was God doing before Creation... Being lonely.
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