Monday, March 17, 2014

Gimme Shelter (Part 2)

I know what your thinking, "Mike you went a little way over the top on Part 1".

I'm sorry, I got carried away and I forgot the basics, which is a sin when you're homeless. Basics is all we have, if we can muster that much. So lets get you into something fast, cheap, and easy!

The Recycle Bin Shelter

You are familiar with these little beauties, of course. They line the alleys of most urban and suburban neighborhoods across the United States and  Canada. Let's say that you manage to find one in a...dumpster or in a field, whatever. Well you rotate it 90 degrees (lay it on it's side with the lid side down).

Now you will need 2 or 3 bread racks. Lay them end to end over the recycle bin lid.

Then drape a tarp over the top with some bread racks under you and you have a windproof shelter that you can heat with a candle.

I'm no artist, but here is my rendering of the finished product...

Wait, one more thing...

There, that's me sleeping inside my new shelter. Quiet, we don't want to wake me up.

OK, folks that's all the shelter talk my brain can handle for today. 

 In our daily struggles we tend to lose sight of what’s really important in life, and it’s not things and stuff. That sh*t is all temporary, and you never really own anything but your own soul. You will never see a U-Haul on the back of a Hearse.

Fine! You will rarely see a a U-Haul on the back of a Hearse. In any case, the destination of the trailers cargo is not eternity, nor is the cargo of the Hearse. It is the Soul that is eternal and you own that, it's 100% paid off, no payments on your part were or will be required, the debt was paid for you. Lucky for you, because you couldn't afford it, no one could. We lack the proper currency. The price for your soul was paid by Yashua (Jesus) and the price was His sinless blood. 

I know, I know, it sounds too good to be true, but there is a catch. To seal the deal, you have to accept the offer. It's easy (no mind numbing prostrations to perform 5 times a day), painless (you or your children don't have to become a human bomb) , and there are future offers that you get as well. One of them being, a future. 

So, what's in this for Yashua?  

He get's His beautiful lost son or daughter back. You. You were created to be a companion of Almighty God (Yahwey). It is your sole purpose, your appointed vocation, and your annointed destiny. All He asks in return is the one thing that cannot be bought at any price, forced, or substituted. Your love.  

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” - Jim Elliott

I love each and every one of you, not for who you are, but for what you have it within yourself to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved it