Monday, July 30, 2018


IGNORANCE comes in all colors, all shapes, all sizes, all religions, all sciences, all genders, and all worldviews.

IGNORANCE is an equal opportunity employer.

IGNORANCE can appear as progress, brilliance, forward thinking, and every other good thing.

IGNORANCE is a virulent pathogen which can infect the strong, weak, young, and old alike.

IGNORANCE will expose everything about everyone to hide the carnage in its heart.

IGNORANCE is a master at deception.

IGNORANCE is aware of everything and everyone.

IGNORANCE knows how to fix both.

IGNORANCE is a murderer with a just cause: Just (Be)Cause.

IGNORANCE is aware of everyone and everything... except itself.

Now, you are no longer ignorant of IGNORANCE.

Be aware and beware IGNORANCE, especially in yourself.