Monday, April 1, 2019

Another Choice

Those of us with a home have choices to make as well. Ours are more plentiful, more rewarding, more desirable, and perhaps more far reaching than we know. We live a Universe where effect follows a cause. This is causation, not correlation. Sometimes we lose sight of how our Causes lose sight of their effects. That which seems beneficial or even essential can lead us down destructive paths, and the final destination may have sweeping consequences for others. Choices.

We make them everyday.  What to eat. What to wear. Choices. Inconsequential.

Who runs our government. Who sets our policies. Who controls our global financial system. Who delineates right from wrong. Choices. Monumental.

Often, we can't tell the difference between these two magnitudes of our choices. We are focused myopically on one aspect to the detriment of all others. Many times we are told one facet is the only one that matters. Sometimes this may be true. Many times the tunnel vision offered is less than full disclosure.

Our Causes lose sight of their effects. Still the desire to be part of something greater than one's self remains. A biological exploit to be harnessed for good or for evil. Each must choose. Each.

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