So when Pilate saw that nothing was being gained, but rather that a disturbance was starting, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this righteous person. You see to it." All the people answered, "May his blood be on us, and on our children!"
-Matthew 27:24-25
What a recrimination for the "Christ Killers", eh? They admit that they and their descendants are willingly stained with the Blood of Jesus. The Precious, Holy Blood that I need to cover my sins, the Jews are bathed in the Blood of our Messiah!
I told a Rabbi, "What are you Messiah Murdering Jews sporting all that Christian Blood? You aught to be ashamed of yourselves.
Do you know what that rabid Rabbi said? He said, "My deepest apologies for your ignorance of your own Scriptures, young goyim*. Jesus was a Jew therefore his blood was Jewish."
Man, I should have punched that Mogan David Drunk Jew Druid right in his nose. The nerve of this man-o-Levites. What gives them the right to write Scripture? They didn't even know who the Messiah was when it's written in the Scriptures, idiots!
Stupid Blood covered Jews! Why would God find them not guilty?^ It's beyond me. I bet they had a great Jew-boy "walks on water" lawyer. That's got to be it!
Never curse a Blessing or Bless a curse.
* - Goyim is A Hebrew word for nations or non-Jewish people. It may, but not innately carry a connotation of "cattle" when used as a diminutive term, as I most certainly did.
^ - Romans 8:33 GNT
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