Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Homeless Gear (Part 3)

9. Canteen

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your physical well being and comfort. You might think that you drink plenty water in your coffee, tea, or soft drinks however it's not the same.

Your Body is 69% water
Your Brain is 85% water
Your Bones are 35% water
Your Blood is 83% water
Your Liver is 90% water
Carbonated soda drinks, Coffee, and tea do not contain any beneficial nutrients, but typically contribute excessive calories and sugar to your diet. Start swapping out one soda per day for a bottle of water. Many varieties of water are carbonated and flavored to mimic soda, without providing all of the unnecessary calories and sugar. If you cannot stand the boring taste of water, then may I suggest a shot of peppermint extract, just a drop or two (it goes a long way) adds a refreshing mint taste.
10. Faith

Okay, so I’m playing a bit fast and loose with the definition of “gear” but having a plan (or at least something to look forward to) is as important to your survival as nearly everything we have discussed thus far. It doesn't have to be huge or earth shaking, how about...
  • Making sure we maintain our health tomorrow starting at 7:00 by drinking some clean water and taking a brisk walk.
  • Let's check out what volunteer positions we can fill at our local food bank, hospital, community center, homeless shelter, or church function.
  • Taking care of that bench warrant you've had hanging over your head for all this time.
  • If you took care of that warrant, focus one day on helping others rather than thinking about what I want.

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