Monday, November 26, 2018

Mostly Poor, Generally Miserable, and Statistically Short

Why you’re going to be mostly poor and generally miserable for the rest of your statistically short adult life...

Unaffordable housing isn't a "norm", nor should it be. Unaffordable housing is a red flag. Now that I think about it, unaffordable housing is not just one red flag. Unaffordable housing is more red flags than a Communist Party parade. All those red flags are signaling a problem, but rather than solve that problem we're all busy managing symptoms. Symptoms which we think, because we are told, are separate problems. They aren’t. They're just symptoms of the one real problem. Yup, there’s only one of those, but we’re not being told that. So, we don't hazard to think it. 

Hang on. I’m going to tell you about it right now. The problem which caused the housing shortage symptom and a bunch of other serious social "ills" (all symptoms of the one real problem) is a change in our social structure. The change which manifest so many serious symptoms that we've confused them with problems, in themselves. The one real problem we have is we recently abandoned the ancient human lifestyle of "Three Generations to a Home" starting about three generations ago.

1. Housing is unaffordable by default
2. Elder care costs have become a new cumbersome budget item.
3. Our elderly parents are routinely placed at risk of being abused or ignored to death in nursing home 
4. Child care becomes yet another massive personal budget item requiring government assistance.
5. Our children are taught values by strangers rather than family.
6. As a result of #5, XBox and gang-banging become lifestyle choices for our kids. 
7. Meanwhile, as a result of all the above SYMPTOMS, we get to spend years of our lives standing in line trying to get some government housing, child care, and/or elder care assistance which is guaranteed to keep us in chains for the rest of our days.
 8. If we are fortunate enough to buy a home, we’re going to have to work a lot more hours to cover all the bills. This means more child care costs and as a result, more X-Boxing/ Gang-Banging kids. Note to self: Figure Bail money into monthly budget… somehow.

All these SYMPTOMS are spawned of our abandoning the ancient human lifestyle of "Three Generations to a Home". The solution is not more or bigger government assistance checks. That, my human friends, is the road we took to arrive at this place of despair. What we need to do is solve the problem by living like humans again: Three Generations to a Home", because it works and always did. 

We used to know this. We forgot. It’s time to remember again. It’s time to remember how to live like humans. It’s time to remember how to live our humanity rather than enhancing our morbidity through bankruptcy.

The future is our past or we're all history.

It’s time to go home to humanity.